ImageQuest Add-ons

Unlock new possibilities

ImageQuest add-ons are designed to enhance the functionality of the ImageQuest software suite.  These add-ons provide a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, security and customization.  They allow users to tailor the software to their specific needs, improving productivity and user experience.  For instance, add-ons like IQWorkflow automate tasks, reducing manual effort and speeding up processes.  Others, like IQforms and IQbarcode, offer specialized features for data extraction and document classification.  By unlocking new possibilities and adapting to unique requirements, ImageQuest add-ons truly enrich the user’s interaction with the software.


Automatically classify documents & extract field data from structured forms


Automatically classify and index documents from one or more barcodes on the page


Improve efficiency by automating manual processes such as routing & approvals 


Use the API to manipulate metadata and integrate with external systems

Document Import

Import files from a variety of sources such as file name parsing (aka Mapped File Import), ODBC and IMAP

IQ DocSecure (IQDS)

Get piece of mind by automatically encrypting IQ files at rest 


Update attributes from an ODBC data source after indexing has occurred


Perform handwriting recognition and document sentiment analysis

Custom Plugins

IQ has a very flexible plugin architecture to add custom functionality just for you

OpenText Teleform Connector

A custom export for Teleform that stores images and metadata in IQ

OpenText LiquidOffice Connector

A custom service that imports images and metadata from LiquidOffice into IQ