Featured Successes

Solutions For School Districts — And The Need To Act NOW!

Is your school district stuck in the slow lane? Fragmented data, manual workflows, and outdated systems are dragging down performance, wasting resources, and ultimately hurting student outcomes. You're not alone. Our research shows these are common problems facing districts across the country. The good news? There's a solution.

The Harsh Reality

  • Fragmented Data: Scattered information across disparate platforms impedes efficient decision-making and personalized student support.
  • Manual Workflows: Paper-based processes and repetitive tasks consume valuable staff time and resources, diverting them from core educational activities.
  • Outdated Forms and Processes: Time-consuming paper forms and inefficient methods create accessibility barriers and hinder communication.
  • Lack of Training and User-Friendliness: Unintuitive systems and insufficient training limit technology adoption and its potential benefits.
  • Inefficient Reporting: Delays in generating reports hinder proactive measures and timely interventions.

The Consequence

These challenges cripple performance, inflate costs, and ultimately impact student outcomes. Decreased staff productivity, hampered decision-making, and slow data access impede overall effectiveness. Redundant tasks, paper-based processes, and outdated systems drain resources. Delays in interventions and data-driven support potentially affect student achievement and personalized learning.

The Urgency to Act

This is not a distant threat; it's happening right now. Every day these issues persist, districts’ and students' potential remains untapped, valuable resources are wasted, and opportunities for improvement slip away.

The Solution: A Unified Technology Platform

Imagine a single, integrated platform that:

  • Centralizes data: Seamless information flow, enabling data-driven decisions and personalized student support.
  • Automates workflows: Streamlined processes, freeing staff time for impactful activities.
  • Digitizes forms and processes: Improved accessibility, efficiency, and communication.
  • Provides user-friendly interfaces: Intuitive systems and comprehensive training for seamless adoption.
  • Offers robust reporting tools: Timely and accurate reports driving proactive measures.

The Benefits

Image: Kris from Pixabay

Investing in a unified technology platform is not just an expense; it's an investment in your district's future. The benefits are multifaceted:

  • Increased Staff Productivity: More time for core educational activities, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced burnout.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Eliminating paper, redundancy, and inefficiencies frees up resources for impactful initiatives.
  • Improved Student Achievement: Data-driven insights for personalized learning and timely interventions, boosting student success.
  • Enhanced Parent and Community Engagement: Streamlined communication and access to information, fostering collaboration and support.

Now is the time to act

Investing in a centralized platform isn't just an upgrade; it's a commitment to optimizing performance, maximizing resources, and ultimately, empowering students to reach their full potential.

Together, we can create a brighter future for education in the United States.

Navigating Paperwork: A New Hope for Your School System

In the intricate world of education systems, the relentless paperwork around purchase requisitions, PO requests, check requests, and invoice processing can feel like a never-ending jungle. Today, we’ll explore a pragmatic journey inspired by the stories of other school districts, like Palm Beach County Schools, steering through the challenges and rediscovering the true focus: education. 

A Day in the Life of Your AP (Accounts Payable) Team 

Picture your AP team engrossed in the manual jungle of invoice data, researching issues, and lengthy back-and-forths. It's not just a local woe; both vendors and buyers share the consequences of this struggle. So, what can you do?

Solutions Beyond Tech Jargon

Streamlining Complicated Workflows: 
  • Reality Check: Manual efforts bogging down your team. 
  • Practical Purpose: Imagine a world where workflows seamlessly align, liberating your staff for more meaningful tasks. It’s not just about technology; it’s mostly about easing the daily grind, while saving money with the efficiencies gained. 
Putting the Focus Back on Education 
  • Reality Check: Paperwork overshadowing education goals. 
  • Practical Purpose: Envision teachers and staff liberated from paperwork, channelling their energy back into education. Our solutions aren’t a magic wand; they're a practical tool for reclaiming focus. 

Real-Life Tales of Success 

Palm Beach County, Seminole County, and Walton County Schools have all walked the talk. We’ll give you a couple of examples:  

The Palm Beach County Schools case study isn’t a show-off; it’s a nod to the power of districts finding practical relief in an invoice processing and accounts payable automation solution (see case study) where we now have technology to read/OCR an invoice (Paper or electronic image/PDF) and automatically extract the appropriate information from it (Invoice #, PO #, Date, Dollar Amount and line item details if required) and then kick off a workflow process or match the invoice to the PO and then update their accounting system or ERP. This eliminates manual data entry and labor costs, speeds up the overall process, and helps them to avoid mistakes. 

Two different school systems in Georgia, are another example: there we’ve taken paper forms or PDFs and converted them to eForms and have related workflows behind them that automate the process, interact with other back-end systems (Accounting/Finance) and then archive it for future storage and retrieval. 

The users access the forms in a form library within a browser/portal to kick off the process, and include financial, personnel, contracts, and new hire forms), such as:  


  • Purchase Requisition 
  • New Vendor Request 


  • Direct Deposit Signup/Update 
  • Demographic Change 
  • G4 
  • W4 
  • Extended Leave Request 


  • Individual Contract 
  • Individual PreK Contract 
  •  Individual Contract Addendum 
  •  Bulk Contracts 

New Hires:

  • Employee Information 
  • Oath of Allegiance 
  • Worker’s Compensation Memo 
  • Race/Ethnicity Questionnaire 
  • Medical Questionnaire 
  • Direct Deposit Signup 
  • G4 
  • W4 
  • Scholarship Deduction 

Practical Wisdom for Your Own District 

Tailoring Solutions to Fill Your Needs: 
  • Key Lesson: One size doesn’t fit all. 
  • Practical Wisdom: Our solutions aren’t about conformity; they adapt to your unique school district’s needs. It’s like tailoring a suit rather than squeezing into one off the rack. 
Success Isn’t just a Buzzword: 
  • Key Lesson: Success is more than a claim. 
  • Practical Wisdom: Success stories aren’t about grandeur; they’re about effective, practical changes. Palm Beach County Schools' success isn’t an ad; it's a shared lesson on how to effectively overcome challenges. 
Evolving Beyond Initial Achievements: 
  • Key Lesson: Continuous innovation matters. 
  • Practical Wisdom: The journey doesn’t stop with one success story. We evolve with our clients to navigate the ever-changing landscape of education – and, with most of our clients working with us for over a decade, this is a practical commitment, not a sales pitch! 

Bringing Hope Through Practical, Cost-Effective Solutions 

As we navigate our everyday paperwork chaos, let’s not think of tech solutions as an ad but as practical tools to help you tackle your district’s unique challenges in an efficient and cost-effective way. It’s about finding a breath of fresh air amidst the paperwork turmoil and getting the support you and your team need to steer toward a reality where education is the focal point, and not just a byproduct of never-ending administrative tasks.

Interested in learning how we can support your school system?  

Palm Beach County School District: A Success Case of Efficiency and Savings

In the wide-ranging landscape of educational institutions, the School District of Palm Beach County stands as the tenth largest in the nation and the fifth largest in the state of Florida. With a student body exceeding 189,000, representing a tapestry of 150 languages, it serves as a pivotal contributor to the vibrancy of Palm Beach County. As the largest employer in the region, the district's more than 22,800 employees, including over 12,500 teachers, play a crucial role in shaping the future.

Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash.jpeg

The Challenge: A Paper-Driven Odyssey

In the backdrop of economic challenges in 2013, the Palm Beach County School Board confronted a daunting task — to streamline operations amidst significant budget reductions. Handling a staggering 175,000 invoices annually, the Accounts Payable (AP) department grappled with a labor-intensive, paper-driven process that proved error-prone. The associated high costs of storing paper invoices and adherence to government mandates on record maintenance added to the complexity.

Selecting a Path to Efficiency: Informa Software Steps In

Faced with these challenges, the School Board sought an integrated solution that would seamlessly meld with existing systems, automating manual processes to trim both time and costs. This is where Informa Software entered the scene, offering a lifeline to the district's operational efficiency.

What Lies Ahead...

We’re now in the process of introducing a full end-to-end contract lifecycle management solution that will further automate and optimize the Palm Beach School District’s processes and capabilities. The journey continues, and the possibilities are endless!

So, take a hint from the success experienced by Palm Beach County School District: Integrated automation can revolutionize your document management, boost efficiency, and save you a fortune. It's time to turn the page and embark on your own efficiency-enhancing adventure!

A Decade-Long Partnership

It’s been over 10 years now, and as the journey continues, the district is poised to embrace a full end-to-end contract lifecycle management solution, further automating and optimizing its processes. The success story of Palm Beach County School District serves as an inspiring testament — integrated automation not only revolutionizes document management but also catalyzes efficiency and substantial savings.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It!

"We no longer physically store any paper invoices. They are stored and filed electronically, eliminating the possibility of misfiling a paper invoice (…) Automating many of our manual processes has resulted in increased productivity and significant cost savings."
Heather Knust - Director of Accounting Services Palm Beach County School Board
"We’ve eliminated at least four processes, and invoice management has been accelerated by using a digital workflow right from the start."
Bob Rucinski - AP Manager Palm Beach County School Board

Download our full case study here.

Maximizing School Resources: The Magic of Automated Document Management
Are you tired of dealing with endless paperwork and the never-ending quest to keep your budgets in check? Well, you're in the right place because we're about to dive into the world of automated document management and how it can be your secret weapon to enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. 🚀

What’s Keeping Us Up at Night

Before we jump into the solutions, let's acknowledge the elephant in the room: your concerns. We know you've got a lot on your plate, and document management might not be at the top of your list, but it should be. Here are some common worries that automation might just dissolve: 

  • Too Much Paper: Your desk is piled high with paperwork, and you're drowning in a sea of documents. It's like a never-ending game of "Where's Waldo?" but with important school records.
  • Budget Blues: Education budgets are tight, and every penny counts. You're constantly searching for ways to do more with less, and the cost of paper, printing, and storage is eating into your resources.
  • Security Stress: You're dealing with sensitive student records and confidential administrative documents. Data breaches or mishandled paperwork could be a PR nightmare and a legal headache.
  • Essence of Time: As an education leader, your time is precious. Yet, you find yourself spending hours on administrative tasks that could be streamlined.

Now, let's talk about how automated document management can address these concerns head-on.

The Magic of Automated Document Management

Automated document management is like having a team of highly efficient, 24/7 assistants that never complain and never take a coffee break. Here's how it can help you overcome your worries:

Paper Be Gone

With automated document management, paper becomes a relic of the past. You can digitize everything from student records to administrative forms. No more stacks of paper cluttering your office!

Budget Bliss

Say goodbye to the relentless drain on your budget. You'll save money on paper, printing, storage space, and even postage. Those savings can be reinvested in improving your school or district.

Fort Knox Security

Worried about data security? Automated document management systems come equipped with top-notch encryption and access controls. Your documents will be more secure than Fort Knox.

Time Saver Extraordinaire

Imagine having all your documents organized, searchable, and accessible with a few clicks. No more hunting for that elusive record or form. Automated systems can streamline processes and free up your valuable time.

Expert Integration Advantage

But wait, there's more! Automated document management doesn't just stop at organizing your files; it can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows to supercharge your school's efficiency.

1. Student Enrolment and Records

Tired of handling mountains of enrollment paperwork at the start of each school year? Allow students and parents to complete forms and submit documents online. Records to be instantly updated, and progress tracked without breaking a sweat.

2. HR and Staff Management

Managing teacher contracts, payroll, and benefits can be a bureaucratic maze. Automated document management simplifies the process. New hires can complete onboarding paperwork electronically, and you can easily track staff records.

3. Procurement and Budgeting

Keep your budget in check by automating procurement and budget approval processes. Say goodbye to paper purchase orders and hello to streamlined, digital workflows that save time and reduce the risk of errors.

4. Compliance and Reporting

Education is rife with regulations and reporting requirements. Automated systems can generate compliance reports at the click of a button, ensuring your school or district stays on the right side of the law.

5. Parent-Teacher Communication

Keep parents in the loop with automated communication tools. Send permission slips, announcements, and newsletters electronically. It's not just efficient; it's eco-friendly too.

The Bottom Line

Document management is your secret weapon to conquering paperwork, saving money, and boosting efficiency. It tackles your major concerns by eliminating paper clutter, streamlining processes, enhancing security, and giving you back the gift of time.

Remember, in the digital age, there's no reason to be buried under piles of paper. Embrace automation, integrate it into your systems, and watch your school or district thrive!

So, why wait? Say goodbye to the paperwork nightmare and hello to a brighter, more cost-effective future for your educational institution. 📝🏫💼

Smooth Sailing Ahead: Perks of Harnessing Expert Integration Support

Hey there, trailblazers and masterminds of the digital realm! 🚀 If you're steering the ship as a CTO in a big enterprise, you're already familiar with the importance of efficient document management. But what if you've been sailing the high seas without a full crew? We're about to unveil the secret weapon to amplifying your business success: external support for seamless end-to-end integration! 📈🌟

Setting Sail with a Skeleton Crew? ⚓

Navigating the ever-changing tech waters can feel like a high-stakes adventure, especially when you're dealing with the complexities of document management. As a CTO, you've likely grappled with a few nautical nightmares:

1. Resource Drought: The dread of lacking the internal manpower to execute a seamless integration journey.

2. Complexity Storms: Navigating the turbulent waters of integration complexities without a seasoned guide.

3. Risk Reef: Worrying about potential disruptions and bottlenecks that could steer your business off course.

Hold tight, brave captain of technology, because expert integration support is your compass to guide you through these choppy waters!

The Magic of Expert Integration Support 🌊🔮

Picture this: you're at the helm, steering your ship, and an experienced navigator appears by your side, guiding you through every twist and turn. That's the power of external integration support. By enlisting the aid of experts, you're embarking on a voyage that not only guarantees a safe journey but also promises to uncover hidden treasures along the way.

Boosting Efficiency: Docking with Excellence 🚢⏱️

Are you sailing on the high seas of inefficiency, wasting precious time and resources trying to navigate integration complexities? External support comes to the rescue, turning your skeleton crew into a powerhouse team of integration virtuosos.

With experts at your side, you can expect streamlined workflows that rival the precision of a Swiss watch. Say goodbye to the days of lost documents and hello to an era of seamless document processing that frees you up to focus on charting your business course.

Conquering Complexity: Sailing Through Storms with Ease 🌪️🛠️

Integration challenges can feel like a tempest that threatens to capsize your ship. But with external support, you're gaining a crew of skilled sailors who know these waters like the back of their hand.

From system compatibility to data synchronization, the experts have seen it all. They'll help you navigate through the stormy seas of complexity, ensuring your integration journey is smooth sailing from start to finish.

Minimizing Risks: Plotting a Course to Success 🗺️⚓

Ahoy, risk-averse sailors! Worried about hidden reefs that could shatter your integration dreams? Expert integration support is your trusty treasure map, guiding you away from potential pitfalls.

Our seasoned navigators have encountered treacherous waters before and know how to steer clear of disruptions. With their guidance, you can be confident that your integration voyage will reach its destination safely, with minimal risks and maximum rewards.

The Voyage to Business Brilliance 🚀🌟

Now, you might be wondering, "Okay, but how does expert integration support truly steer my ship towards business success?" 

Resource Empowerment

External support bolsters your team with the expertise needed to execute a flawless integration. You'll witness a boost in productivity and efficiency, without straining your internal resources.

Smooth Sailing

Say goodbye to sleepless nights spent worrying about integration hiccups. With experts by your side, you can confidently navigate through the complexities, ensuring a seamless and stress-free journey.

Faster Returns

Time is money, and expert support accelerates your integration timeline. This means quicker returns on your investment, as your business reaps the benefits of enhanced efficiency and streamlined processes.

The Harbour of Success Awaits 🏆

It's time to hoist your sails and embark on a journey of business brilliance. Expert integration support is your ticket to sailing through the integration storm with confidence and precision.

With boosted efficiency, conquered complexities, and minimized risks, you're not just steering your ship – you're navigating it towards the harbor of success. Embrace the magic of external support, and help your business achieve new heights of efficiency and prosperity! ⚓🌊

Supercharge Your Business with the Power of End-to-End Integrations!

Discover the magic of seamless document management

Hey there, fellow document wizards! 📄✨ If you're a proud member of the DocuSign family, you already know the magic it can bring to your document management game. But what if I told you there's a way to take that magic to a whole new level? 🚀 That's right, we're diving into the realm of effectively integrating your entire document processing systems to boost efficiency and skyrocket your business success! 📈💼

Document Dilemmas, Begone! 🧙‍♂️

We get it – managing documents can feel like a never-ending quest, complete with dragons of deadlines and labyrinthine approval processes. You've probably had your fair share of worries:

1. Lost in the Abyss: The fear of documents disappearing into the digital ether, never to be seen again.

2. Approval Armageddon: Wrestling with approvals that could rival a cosmic clash of titans.

3. Data Disarray: Juggling multiple systems and struggling to keep your data organized and up-to-date.

But there is good news! Full integration is here to rescue you from these complex document dilemmas!

The Power of Effective Integration 🌟

Picture this: all your systems, apps, and software working in harmony, like a symphony of efficiency. That's the beauty of effective integration. By weaving DocuSign into the fabric of your existing processes, you're about to embark on a journey of streamlined productivity that will leave your competition eating your digital dust.

Effortless Workflow Orchestration 🎵

Imagine your documents flowing seamlessly from creation to approval, with DocuSign acting as the virtuoso conductor of your digital orchestra. Integration allows you to automate and synchronize tasks, reducing manual errors and freeing up your valuable time for more strategic endeavors.

Let's face it, nobody wants to spend hours shuffling papers and chasing signatures. With integration, you're taking a one-way trip out of the paper jungle and into the fast lane of digital efficiency.

Fearless Data Management 📊

Ah, the dreaded data disarray – we've all been there. But release your fears because integration brings a cavalry of order to your data chaos. With all your systems linked up, your data becomes a harmonious symphony, playing in perfect tune.

Need to pull up a client's information? No more wild goose chases through scattered databases. Integration empowers you to access accurate data at your fingertips, making you the maestro of informed decisions.

Crushing the Approval Abyss 🗳️

The realm of approvals can be a treacherous one, filled with bottlenecks and frustration, but integration holds the key to taming this beast. Picture this: approvals happening seamlessly, with notifications popping up like magical breadcrumbs, guiding you and your team through the process.

No more endless back-and-forths, no more lost emails, and definitely no more nail-biting over missed deadlines. Integration not only expedites approvals but also lets you track the entire process, giving you the power to keep everything on track.

The Grand Quest for Business Success 🏆

Now, you might be thinking, "Alright, integration sounds like a pretty epic adventure. But what's in it for my business?" Well, the short answer is: Success, with a capital "S"!


Efficiency Unleashed

Say goodbye to wasted hours and hello to heightened productivity. Integration slashes manual tasks, leaving you with more time to focus on strategies that drive growth.

Customer Delight

With streamlined processes, your clients get what they need faster. Happy customers? That's the golden ticket to building strong, lasting relationships.

Data-Driven Decisions

Accurate, real-time data is your compass in the business wilderness. Integration ensures you're always making decisions based on the freshest insights.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, integration is like the X-factor in your quest for business domination. It's the secret weapon that can propel your efficiency and success to legendary heights.

So, fellow DocuSign users, it's time to embrace the magic of real integration and watch your document management soar to new heights. With seamless workflows, organized data, and approvals tamed, you'll be the hero of your own business saga.

Get ready to conquer the document dragons, slay the approval beasts, and unlock a realm of efficiency and success you never thought possible. Your journey begins now – let’s integrate and elevate, one digital document process at a time! 🖋️🌟

Simplify Document Management, Archiving, & e-Signing

We all know by now that in a fast-paced business environment, efficiency is the name of the game. You've got an entire team working tirelessly to process as many documents and applications as possible, but with limited resources.

Well, take a deep breath now, because the secret to overcoming these challenges lies in the power of automation! Yep, we're talking about fully automating those document management, archiving, and e-signature processes.

And we don’t mean using pdfs: actually leveraging end-to-end automation is like having a supercharged sidekick that can revolutionize your workflow, streamline operations, and boost productivity!

So, in this blog post, we're going to dive deep into why automation is so important. Trust me, it's a game-changer! 

Imagine waving goodbye to manual, time-consuming tasks and saying hello to a more efficient and seamless process… Well, buckle up as we take a journey into the world of automation and discover how it can transform your business for the better! Let's get started!

Streamlining Document Management

We all agree: managing a vast array of documents can be a daunting task, but true, integrated, end-to-end process automation can definitely help you:

  • Digitize and Centralize Documents

Say goodbye to bulky file cabinets and stacks of paperwork. Digitize and store all your loan applications, forms, and supporting documents in a centralized, secure, and easily accessible digital repository. No more printing and storing. No more searching through physical files or worrying about misplaced documents.

  • Automated Document Indexing

Manual indexing can be time-consuming and error-prone. With real automation, you can automatically extract key information from documents and apply relevant metadata tags. This ensures accurate indexing, improves searchability, and saves valuable time that can be spent on more critical tasks.

  • Workflow Automation

Automation enables the creation of streamlined document workflows. You can automate document routing, approval processes, and task assignments, ensuring documents move seamlessly through various stages of the lending process. This helps eliminate bottlenecks, reduce delays, and enable faster decision-making.

Simplifying Document Archiving and Retrieval

  • Automated Archiving

Simplify the archiving process by automatically categorizing and storing documents based on predefined rules and criteria. You can set up rules to automatically archive closed loan applications, expired documents, or documents that have reached a specific age. This ensures compliance with retention policies and frees up valuable storage space.

  • Quick Document Retrieval

Searching for specific documents in a massive digital repository can be a time-consuming task. Automation allows for advanced search capabilities, where you can quickly locate documents based on various criteria such as customer name, loan number, or document type. This boosts productivity, reduces frustration, and enables faster response times to customer inquiries.

Accelerating E-Signature Processes

  • Seamless E-Signature Integration

Automation enables seamless integration with different e-signature platforms, allowing borrowers to sign documents electronically. This eliminates the need for printing, mailing, and manual processing of physical documents, saving time and resources while improving the borrower experience.

  • Automated E-Signature Workflows

With automation, you can create automated workflows for e-signature processes. You can set up triggers that initiate e-signature requests, send reminders, and track the status of signatures. This ensures a smooth and efficient e-signature experience for both borrowers and internal stakeholders.

  • Enhanced Compliance and Security

Automation ensures compliance and security in e-signature processes. By utilizing platforms with built-in security features, you can maintain the integrity and authenticity of e-signed documents. Additionally, automation helps in tracking and recording the entire e-signature process, creating an audit trail that satisfies regulatory requirements.

As you can see, automation in document management, archiving, and e-signature processes is the ultimate key to unlocking efficiency and productivity. By leveraging true, end-to-end automation, you can streamline your workflows and optimize your resources to achieve better results with less errors, friction, and time!

From Paper Chaos to Business Success in 5 Automations.

Are you ready to revolutionize your business operations and unlock the path to success?

It's time to bid farewell to tedious paper-based processes and embrace integrated, end-to-end automation. We know closing loans remotely, quickly, and effectively while reducing errors is the ultimate goal, and we have just the solution for you. 

Join us as we dive into five paper-based processes totally worth automating, and discover how this transformative shift can bring better business results. Let's get started!

  1. Loan Application Processing: Streamline the Journey

Processing loan applications can be a daunting task, filled with paperwork and manual data entry. Automating this process eliminates the need for physical documents and enables the seamless flow of information. By leveraging intelligent data capture systems, you can extract key data points, verify applicant information, and accelerate the approval process. Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork and hello to a streamlined loan application journey!

  1. Document Verification: Enhance Accuracy and Speed

Verifying documents manually is time-consuming and prone to errors. Embrace automation by utilizing document verification tools that employ optical character recognition (OCR) technology. These tools can extract relevant information from documents, cross-reference it with existing databases, and flag any discrepancies. With automated document verification, you can ensure accurate and swift processing, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring compliance.

  1. Credit Scoring: The Power of Analytics

Determining the creditworthiness of loan applicants is a critical step in the lending process. Automate credit scoring using advanced multi-source data analytics that provide answers in minutes! These tools can help you analyze vast amounts of data, including credit history, financial records, and market trends, to generate accurate credit scores. By automating credit scoring, you can make informed lending decisions quickly, minimizing manual effort and increasing efficiency.

  1. Compliance Management: Stay Ahead of Regulations

Navigating the complex landscape of compliance regulations can be a challenge. Automate compliance management using dedicated software that monitors regulatory changes, updates policies, and performs real-time compliance checks. This ensures that your loan processes adhere to industry regulations and mitigates the risk of penalties or legal issues. By automating compliance management, you can stay ahead of the game and focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences.

  1. Reporting and Analytics: Unlock Actionable Insights

Gaining actionable insights from heaps of data is no small feat. Automate your reporting and analytics processes using business intelligence tools that can integrate to the systems your business already has. This will help you aggregate, analyze, and visualize data in real-time, providing valuable insights into loan performance, customer behavior, and market trends. By harnessing the power of integrated reporting and analytics, you can make data-driven decisions, identify opportunities for improvement, and drive business growth in minutes!

And there you have it: automate these five paper-based processes and you’re on your way to success.

Let the revolution begin!

Crack the Code of Digital Loan Closings

Nailing the Trickiest Stage in Consumer Lending

In today's fast-paced world, where speed and accuracy rule the roost, digital loan closings have emerged as a game-changer in the consumer lending industry. 

And yes, we understand the challenges you face when unraveling the mysteries of closing loans digitally, so buckle up as we guide you through the trickiest part of the loan processing process and equip you with the skills to ace it. Are you ready? Let's dive in and crack the code of digital loan closings!

The Challenge: Quick, Effective, and Error-Free Digital Closings

Closing loans digitally presents its own unique set of challenges. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the process remains swift, effective, and error-free. When you're operating in the digital realm, the key is to embrace innovative tools and techniques that streamline the process, eliminate bottlenecks, and minimize the risk of errors.

  • Mighty Digital Document Management

Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork! Digital document management systems are your trusty sidekicks in the battle against administrative chaos. These platforms provide a centralized hub for storing, organizing, and sharing loan documents. They enable you to track document progress, flag missing pieces, and ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page. By harnessing the power of digital document management, you can bid adieu to paper-based headaches and soar towards error-free closings.

  • Unleashing the Power of Automation:

In the digital realm, automation is your superpower. Embrace workflow automation tools that help you streamline repetitive tasks, such as data entry, compliance checks, and document verification. These tools not only save time but also reduce the risk of human error. By automating routine processes, you can redirect your focus towards value-added tasks and deliver faster, more accurate loan closings.

  • Embracing Compliance Superheroes:

Compliance officers, assemble! Compliance is the bedrock of the lending industry, and digital loan closings demand extra vigilance. Equip yourself with powerful compliance tools that integrate real-time monitoring and flag any discrepancies or potential red flags. These tools are your trusted sidekicks in battling fraud, ensuring regulatory compliance, and maintaining the integrity of the lending process.

  • Supercharging Digital Communication:

In a digital world, effective communication holds the key to success. Embrace collaboration and communication tools that enable seamless interaction among all parties involved in the loan closing process. Whether it's video conferencing, instant messaging, or project management platforms, leverage technology to foster real-time communication and swift decision-making. Remember, clear and timely communication is the secret sauce that keeps the wheels turning smoothly.

  • The Dynamic Duo: Collaboration and Training:

In the digital universe, collaboration and training are your dynamic duo. Encourage collaboration among team members through virtual workspaces, shared document repositories, and online forums. Foster a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning, where loan officers, processors, and compliance officers can exchange insights and stay up-to-date with industry trends. By leveraging the power of collaboration and training, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any challenges that come your way.

So, congratulations to all you, digital lending heroes! You've unlocked the secrets to successful digital loan closings. By embracing digital tools, optimizing communication, leveraging automation, and prioritizing compliance, you can conquer the trickiest part of the loan processing process. 

Remember, you are the architects of a new era in consumer lending, where loans can be closed digitally, quickly, effectively, and with minimal errors. So, put on your digital capes, harness the power of technology, and soar towards a future of seamless loan closings!

Stay digital, stay awesome!

Mastering the Art of Efficient Loan Processing

Tips to Conquer Your Toughest Challenges

We know the struggle is real when it comes to processing a mountain of loan applications with limited resources… Have no doubts: we have experience with this! In this blog post, we're diving deep into the most challenging aspects of the loan processing process to sum up some practical tips to help you process more applications with fewer resources. 

  1. Embracing the Regulatory Maze

Let's face it, keeping up with ever-changing regulatory requirements can feel like navigating a labyrinth. But fret not! Start by establishing a dedicated compliance team and investing in comprehensive training programs and leverage technology solutions that automate compliance checks, minimizing errors and saving you precious time.

  1. Taming the Document Beast

Ah, the never-ending paper trail! Document specialists, we hear you. Managing a flood of paperwork can be overwhelming. It's time to harness the power of digital transformation. Implement document management systems that enable electronic submission, storage, and retrieval. Take advantage of intelligent document recognition technology to automate data extraction. Less manual effort, more accuracy, and a smoother process overall.

  1. Streamlining Verification and Validation

Loan officers and servicing representatives, we know you spend hours on end verifying applicant information. It's time to work smarter, not harder. Integrate automated data analysis and validation tools into your workflow. These tools cross-reference applicant data with external databases, ensuring accuracy and flagging discrepancies in a flash. Say goodbye to manual headaches and hello to increased efficiency.

  1. Supercharging Communication and Collaboration

Efficient communication and collaboration are vital for a seamless loan processing process. Break down those silos and embrace centralization. Invest in a robust document and loan management system that enables real-time visualization and collaboration. Explore project management tools to help keep everyone in the loop.

  1. Staying Ahead of Fraud and Risk

Fraudulent loan applications are a constant threat in the consumer lending world. But fear not, risk warriors! Arm yourself with advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms. These tools can help identify patterns, anomalies, and red flags in application data. Implement strong identity verification processes and fraud detection systems. Stay vigilant, update your fraud prevention protocols regularly, and keep the bad guys at bay.

  1. Elevating the Customer Experience

Remember, it's not just about internal processes—it's about delivering an outstanding customer experience too. Long wait times, complex procedures, and lack of transparency can drive applicants up the wall. Let's change that! Embrace user-friendly online and mobile loan application systems. Simplify the process, provide self-service portals where applicants can track their application progress, and communicate with your team. Enhancing the customer experience not only boosts satisfaction but also reduces the need for manual intervention.

Today we've taken a deep dive into the most challenging aspects of your loan processing process. By facing these challenges head-on, implementing digital solutions, and embracing automation, you can supercharge your productivity, stay on top of regulations, mitigate fraud risks, and prioritize an exceptional customer experience. 

With the right partners, strategies and tools, you can unleash efficiency in loan processing like never before. So, gear up, stay positive, and learn to conquer the game!

From Tech-Only to Business-Driven: Crafting a Winning Strategy for CTOs

How to Align Technology with Business Objectives and Drive Growth

As a CTO, your role is critical for your company's success. You oversee the development and implementation of technology solutions that align with business goals. However, in this fast-paced technological landscape, it can be challenging to keep up and ensure that your technology strategy supports business objectives. In this blog post, we will provide tips and strategies to create a technology plan that better supports your company's goals.

Understand the Business Objectives

To create a technology plan that supports business objectives, start by thoroughly understanding them. Work closely with the CEO, CFO, and other executives to identify top priorities, such as revenue targets, growth goals, customer satisfaction, and key performance indicators (KPIs) critical for success. With a clear understanding of these objectives, develop a technology plan that truly supports them.

Align Technology with Business Objectives — not the other way around!

Having understood business objectives, it's essential to identify key technology initiatives that best align with them. This may involve developing new applications, upgrading infrastructure, or implementing new systems. Ensure that each technology initiative aligns with specific business objectives and has a clear return on investment (ROI), especially to maintain internal support.

Create a Roadmap

Once you have identified the objectives, and aligned some key technology initiatives, it's time to create a roadmap. The roadmap should include a timeline for each initiative, the budget required, and the expected ROI. It's important to create a realistic timeline –and budget– that takes into account the complexity of each initiative and the resources required. The roadmap should also include a plan for how each initiative will be measured and evaluated, as well as the business areas and people involved.

Build a Strong Team

To execute your technology plan successfully, you need a strong team. This includes hiring the right people and providing them with the resources they need to be successful. Ensure that your team has the skills and expertise required to execute the technology plan. It's also important to provide ongoing training and development to ensure that your team is up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Additionally, you will likely need to bring in external partners, at least for parts of the project: make sure their work ethic and values are aligned to your own company’s, and that they can become long-term, trusted partners and help you grow and scale.

Collaborate with Other Departments

Technology is not just the responsibility of the IT department. It's important to collaborate with other departments in the company to ensure that technology is supporting their objectives as well. Working with marketing, sales, HR, customer service, and other departments to understand their technology needs and develop solutions that support their objectives will definitely help you align your work to that of the company.

Implement Continuous Improvement

Technology is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay ahead of the curve. Implement a process for continuous improvement that includes regular evaluation of your technology initiatives, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes as needed. This will ensure that your technology plan continues to support business objectives and stays relevant in a rapidly changing technological landscape. 

Needless to say, as a CTO, it's important to create a technology plan that supports overall business objectives. This includes understanding the business and its priorities, aligning technology with them, creating a roadmap, building a strong team, collaborating with other departments, and implementing continuous improvement. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a technology plan that drives business success and keeps your company ahead of the curve.

Need help? Get in touch!

Redesigning Consumer Lending: Innovative Strategies for The New Customer

In the fast-paced digital era, successful consumer lending companies are embracing a transformative shift to meet the needs of the modern borrower. By combining innovation, empathy, and efficiency, these lenders are revolutionizing the borrowing experience. In this blog post, we will explore how consumer lending firms are redesigning their processes, leveraging technology, and adopting customer-centric approaches to create a seamless and empowering lending journey for borrowers, and sustained business success for themselves.

So, how do you actually begin to drive this change and align your business to the modern borrower?

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Understand the Borrower's Journey 

To redesign consumer lending, it is crucial to empathize with the borrower's journey. Lenders are investing in comprehensive research to gain insights into borrowers' pain points, preferences, and needs. By understanding the challenges borrowers face and their expectations, lenders can tailor their processes and offerings accordingly, enhancing the overall borrowing experience.

Embrace Digital Transformation

Digital transformation lies at the core of redesigning consumer lending. Lenders are leveraging advanced technologies to streamline their operations. By digitizing processes, borrowers can access loan applications, submit documentation, and track their progress conveniently through user-friendly online platforms and mobile applications.

Personalize Loan Offerings 

Recognizing that borrowers have diverse financial needs, consumer lending firms are moving away from one-size-fits-all approaches. Through advanced data analytics, alternative credit scoring models, and easy-to-use complex calculation engines, lenders can personalize loan offerings based on borrowers' unique circumstances. This inclusive approach allows lenders to extend credit to individuals with limited credit histories or unconventional financial profiles, catering to a broader range of borrowers.

Simplify Documentation Processes 

Cumbersome documentation requirements have been a longstanding pain point in consumer lending. To address this, lenders are adopting mobile-enabled document submissions. Borrowers can capture and submit necessary documents directly from their smartphones, eliminating the need for manual paperwork and physical visits. This simplification not only enhances convenience but also expedites the loan approval process.

Enhance Communication and Support

Redesigning consumer lending involves fostering transparent and proactive communication channels. Lenders are leveraging technology to provide instant and personalized information and support to borrowers. Through these platforms, lenders can access accurate information in real time, and borrowers can receive prompt responses to their queries, receive updates on their loan applications, and gain access to financial advice throughout their lending journey.

Leverage Data Analytics

Data is a valuable asset for consumer lending companies. By harnessing the power of data analytics, lenders can gain insights into customer behavior, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging predictive analytics, lenders can proactively identify potential defaults, optimize pricing strategies, and create tailored loan products that meet the unique needs of individual customers.

Build Trust

In an era of increasing cybersecurity concerns, building trust and ensuring data security are paramount. Lenders are prioritizing robust security measures, complying with regulations, and communicating their privacy policies clearly. By adopting secure digital document storage and vaulting systems, and providing borrowers with transparent processes, and ethical data handling practices, lenders can foster trust and instill confidence in their borrowers.

By redesigning consumer lending with a focus on customer needs and business efficiency, lenders are revolutionizing the landscape. Through digital transformation, personalized offerings, simplified documentation processes, enhanced communication, and a strong commitment to trust and security, lenders are creating new rules of success. This is a market we know and are familiar with: our software solutions enable lenders to capture and analyze vast amounts of data, providing actionable intelligence for risk assessment, fraud detection, and personalized lending offers.

As consumer lending continues to evolve, it is a combination of empathy, trust, and efficiency that will define success and drive the industry forward.

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Custom Software Integration Means Better Business—Here's Why

Custom end-to-end software integration refers to the process of connecting all of a company's software applications and systems into a seamless, cohesive whole. This means that data from all systems is stored in a centralized location and can be accessed and analyzed easily, and employees can use a single interface to access all of the applications and data they need.

Many businesses today rely on multiple software systems to manage their operations, which can lead to a number of pain points such as data silos, inefficient workflows, manual data entry, higher maintenance costs, and lack of scalability. Custom end-to-end software integration addresses these pain points by providing a single system that connects all of a company's software applications and systems, improving data management, streamlining workflows, reducing manual data entry, lowering maintenance costs, improving scalability, enhancing the customer experience, increasing efficiency, enabling better data analysis, and improving security.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Having disparate systems that don't work together can cause data duplication, errors, and inconsistency. It can also lead to delays in decision-making and increased workload, which ultimately affects your company's bottom line. That's why investing in custom software integration usually means better business outcomes.

Here’s some of the problems you can expect while working with non-integrated, disparate systems:

Data Silos

One of the primary pain points that custom end-to-end software integration addresses is the issue of data silos. When businesses use multiple, non-integrated software systems, data is often stored in different locations and formats. This can make it difficult to get a complete view of the business and make informed decisions. With custom end-to-end software integration, all of a company's data is stored in a centralized location and can be accessed and analyzed easily, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and get a better understanding of their operations.

Inefficient Workflows

Using multiple software systems that are not integrated can lead to inefficient workflows. Employees may have to switch between different applications to complete a single task, which can be time-consuming and frustrating. Custom end-to-end software integration eliminates this problem by providing a single interface that employees can use to access all of the applications and data they need. This streamlines workflows and improves productivity.

Manual Data Entry

When data is stored in multiple systems, it often needs to be manually entered into each system. This can be a time-consuming and error-prone process that can lead to data inaccuracies. Custom end-to-end software integration automates data entry, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up employees to focus on other tasks.

Higher Maintenance Costs

Using multiple non-integrated software systems can be expensive, as each system needs to be maintained and updated separately. Custom end-to-end software integration reduces maintenance costs by providing a single system that can be updated and maintained more efficiently.

Lack of Scalability

Businesses that use multiple non-integrated software systems may struggle to scale their operations. Adding new systems or expanding existing ones can be difficult and disruptive. Custom end-to-end software integration makes it easier to scale operations, as new systems can be integrated seamlessly into the existing infrastructure.

Some of the perks of custom integration

Custom software integration means integrating different software systems to work seamlessly together, allowing your company to operate more efficiently and effectively. This provides a single source of truth for data, eliminating data duplication and inconsistency, reducing errors, and helping your company make faster and better-informed decisions that increase productivity and profitability.

So, what are the benefits of custom software integration for your enterprise? Let's explore some of the key advantages.

Increased Efficiency

One of the main benefits of custom software integration is increased efficiency. By integrating your disparate systems, you can automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual data entry, and eliminate time-consuming processes. This can help your employees work more efficiently, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks that require their expertise.

Moreover, custom software integration can help streamline communication and collaboration between different departments. This can improve the overall efficiency of your company, resulting in faster decision-making and increased productivity.

Improved Data Management

Another advantage of custom software integration is improved data management. With disparate systems, it's easy for data to become inconsistent or duplicated, leading to errors and confusion. By integrating your software systems, you can have a single source of truth for data, ensuring that all employees have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

Moreover, custom software integration can help you manage your data more effectively. With the right integration tools, you can track your data in real-time, monitor its quality, and analyze it to gain valuable insights into your business operations. This can help you make better-informed decisions and identify new opportunities for growth.

Increased Scalability

Custom software integration can also help your company become more scalable. As your business grows, you may need to add new software systems to support your operations. However, adding new systems can be challenging if they don't integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

With custom software integration, you can easily add new systems to your infrastructure without disrupting your existing systems. This can help you scale your business more efficiently, allowing you to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

Enhanced Security

Another advantage of custom software integration is enhanced security. With disparate systems, it can be challenging to manage and secure your data effectively. However, with custom software integration, you can implement security measures that protect your data from unauthorized access or theft.

Custom software integration can also help you comply with industry regulations and standards. With the right integration tools, you can ensure that your software systems meet the necessary security and compliance requirements.

Reduced Costs

Finally, custom software integration can help you reduce costs. With disparate systems, you may be spending more money on software licenses, maintenance, and support. However, with custom software integration, you can consolidate your software systems, reducing the number of licenses you need to purchase and maintain.

Moreover, custom software integration can help you reduce your IT support costs. By having a single point of contact for your software systems, you can reduce the number of IT staff you need to support them. This can help you save money and allocate your resources more efficiently.

Wrapping it up…

Custom software integration offers businesses numerous benefits that help optimize operations and improve the bottom line. By eliminating data duplication, reducing errors, and improving data management, companies can increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Additionally, custom integrations can help businesses become more scalable, secure, and compliant, while also reducing costs and improving resource allocation. All in all, software integration is a critical investment for enterprises looking to stay on top of their game and succeed in today's dynamic business environment.

Retaining Top Talent Through Incentive Compensation

If you're involved in your company's recruitment or HR processes, you likely understand the disappointment of losing top-performing employees. After investing much time and effort in nurturing their skills, watching them resign can be not only disappointing but also costly for the organization.

In the sales industry, retention can be an especially challenging issue, with top performers being constantly courted by rival companies. According to a survey by PayScale, more than half of employees would leave their job for a small salary increase, while nearly 70% would leave if they felt underpaid. One of the main reasons for this challenge is the discrepancy between what salespeople think they will receive and what they get. This can be due to a lack of clarity in the compensation plan, inaccurate calculations, or multiple variables that can affect earnings. The frustration among salespeople can lead them to feel undervalued and seek other employment opportunities.

To prevent this from happening, organizations need to start prioritizing employee retention. By keeping employees happy and engaged, businesses can benefit from improved work satisfaction, increased productivity, and a more attractive company culture. So, what steps can you take to retain your top hires, and what are the benefits of doing so?

First, what is employee retention?

Employee retention refers to an organization's ability to keep its employees for a significant period. It measures how well a company can keep its workforce satisfied and motivated, preventing them from leaving for other job opportunities. Employee retention is essential for any organization, as high turnover rates can be costly and strongly disrupt operations. A high retention rate, on the other hand, helps maintain a stable workforce and contributes to a positive work culture, enhanced productivity, and increased employee engagement.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

But, why should companies bother about retaining employees?

Your employees are your most valuable assets. Retaining them must be your top priority. According to a report by Gallup, engaged employees are 17% more productive and 21% more profitable than their disengaged counterparts. Additionally, high-performing employees are often the most difficult to replace, so retaining them can help maintain productivity and efficiency high within your organization.

Moreover, a Society for Human Resource Management study shows that the costs associated with employee turnover can be significant. Direct replacement costs can be as high as 50%-60% of an employee's annual salary, and the total cost of turnover can range from 90% to 200% of the annual salary, depending on the expertise and experience required for the role.

Clearly, the cost of replacing top performers easily outweighs the cost of retaining them. This reinstates the importance of employee retention.

ICMS can help you retain top talent

Now that we have established the importance of retaining great talent and hiring let us explore how an Incentive Compensation Management System (ICMS) can enhance retention rates. 

ICMS is a software-based solution that enables organizations to manage and streamline their compensation and benefits administration processes, creating an equitable, transparent, and efficient compensation management process. This, in turn, leads to increased job satisfaction, employee retention, and overall organizational success.

Here is how ICMS can help you retain top talent in your organization:

  1. Designing effective incentive plans: Designing incentive plans that are attractive to employees and effective in driving performance can be challenging. ICMS helps structure incentive plans in a way that aligns with the organization's goals while also considering employees' needs and desires.
  2. Keeping employees at the core of your incentive plans: ICMS can help HR professionals and managers identify and address employee challenges or concerns related to compensation, enabling them to take corrective actions promptly. This can lead to a positive work environment where employees feel heard and valued, increasing employee retention rates. 

    90% of workers said they are likelier to stay at a company that takes and acts on feedback. (Achievers)
  1. Offering data-based, personalized growth plans: ICMS can facilitate the establishment of customized career development plans and employment opportunities based on their skills, experience, and aspirations. This can help managers and employees feel valued within the organization, and lead to increased job satisfaction and retention.

    58% of workers said their companies didn't currently have enough growth opportunities for them to stay long-term. (Randstad)
  1. Ensuring transparency: ICMS can help establish a fair and transparent compensation system that rewards employees based on their performance and contribution to the organization. This can create a sense of equity and motivate employees to perform at their best, leading to higher job satisfaction and employee retention.

    21.5% of employees that don't feel recognized when they do great work have interviewed for a job in the last three months — compared to just 12.4% that do feel recognized. (TINYpulse data)
  1. Real-time data and insights: ICMS can provide real-time data, insights, and what-if analysis that allow for companies to remain flexible and competitive when it comes to incentive compensation management, making it less likely for employees to leave the organization.

Final Thoughts

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, employee retention is crucial for any organization's success, and investing in the right tools and processes can make all the difference. 

Informa Software’s Incentive Compensation Management System (ICMS) can help organizations retain top talent by creating an equitable and transparent compensation system, designing effective incentive plans, offering personalized growth opportunities, ensuring fairness, and staying flexible. By prioritizing employee retention and leveraging the flexibility delivered by ICMS, organizations can reap the benefits of a highly engaged and productive workforce while avoiding the costs associated with high turnover rates.

Let’s State the Obvious: One Size Doesn't Fit All 

How customized software solutions can help you grow

Running a business is tough, especially in today's digital age. With so many options available, it can be daunting having to choose the right software for your business, which is why many often resort to off-the-shelf software for their daily operations… but is this really the best option?

While off-the-shelf software may seem like a convenient and cost-effective solution, the truth is, it may not always meet the unique needs and requirements of your business. Have you ever used software that doesn't quite fit your business processes? Or perhaps you've had to work around software limitations that don't allow you to fully customize the user experience? These are common issues that many businesses face when using standard software… and that is where our tailored software solutions come into play. 

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

The Benefits Of Implementing Customized Software Solutions

Using out-of-the-box software may initially seem like a convenient and cost-effective alternative, when you look a bit more closely, you will find that customized software solutions, specifically tailored to the unique needs and requirements of your business, can bring you a lot of benefits in the long —and not so long— run. 

Some of these benefits include: 

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

When solutions are specifically designed to address the unique challenges and processes of your business, they can help you streamline workflows, eliminate redundant processes, and automate repetitive tasks.  This results in increased efficiency and productivity. In other words, implementing customized solutions can save you time and resources while helping you avoid engaging external support —or IT— and allowing you to focus on what really matters: growing your business!

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

Today's customers expect exceptional experiences, and by using customized software solutions, you can deliver a more personalized experience, not to “users”, but to your customers, offering what they need and expect from your company in particular to make them feel special and unique.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

Tailor-made solutions are also more scalable and flexible, which means that they can adapt to your changing business needs. You don't have to worry about outgrowing your software or investing in brand new solutions every time your business evolves. Instead, these solutions can be updated and modified to accommodate new features, functionality, and integrations, providing the scalability and flexibility needed to stay ahead of the competition.

And, What About Costs?

While customized software solutions may require higher upfront costs compared to off-the-shelf software, they can provide significant cost savings in the long run. Customized solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of your business, meaning that you don't have to pay for unnecessary features and functionality that you don't need. Additionally, tailor-made solutions can help businesses save time and resources by automating processes and workflows, and reducing the need for manual or external intervention, which can result in significant cost savings in the long run, making this type of customized solutions a lucrative investment for businesses of all sizes.

In conclusion… 

In conclusion, adopting customized software solutions is crucial for businesses looking to really improve efficiency and productivity, enhance customer experience, enjoy scalability and flexibility, leverage their competitive advantages, and stand out in an overcrowded market.

Off-the-shelf software may seem like a convenient option at first, but the truth is, it will not always meet the unique needs and requirements of your business. By investing in customized solutions, you can unlock the full potential of technology to streamline processes and achieve business objectives without sacrificing your budget or your growth.

Connect with us to discover what Informa Software can do for you and your business.

Revolutionizing the Industry: a No-Code Solution for Complex Calculations

Are you struggling with managing complex high-volume calculations like incentive-based compensation or dynamic pricing models? Well, you're not alone. The maxim of ‘change is the only constant’ applies to businesses too, which often experience changes from an HR standpoint (personnel and/or leadership movements) as well as new market conditions, industry regulations and many other factors that affect internal operations… All in all, companies as ‘living organisms’ need to be able to adapt quickly, and anyone in a management position knows this to be an absolute truth.

This is why, after reviewing some of the challenges faced by users and managers, we worked hand in hand with some of our most trusted clients and advisors to come up with an innovative and effective solution of our own; and that’s how Informa’s Incentive Compensation Management System (ICMS) was born.

ICMS is an efficient, low-maintenance, no-code solution with full configurability and security designed to manage complex high-volume calculations, such as incentive-based compensation, pricing models, or sales commissions.

The main challenges for users

In general, we found that complex incentive calculations take too much time and effort—accurately calculating complex commissions is expensive and complicated. Some of the main challenges we found include:

  1. Difficulty in managing large amounts of data and executing complex calculations in a short period of time.
  2. Ensuring data accuracy and integrity, particularly if data is entered manually or comes from multiple sources.
  3. Difficulty in setting up, configuring, and adapting the system to company needs.
  4. Limited flexibility and requiring continuous support from IT or external consultants to adapt to fast-paced changes in business requirements.
  5. Limited visibility into performance of the incentive plans, particularly due to lack of availability of real-time data.
  6. Difficulty in integrating tracking and reporting to the company’s existing systems and tools.

Enter ICMS: no-code + complex calculation management + seamless integration

With full configurability, security, fast and efficient calculations, integration capabilities, and customization features, ICMS does the heavy lifting of complex calculations while offering several unique benefits that help solve the pain points experienced by businesses today.

Featuring drag-and-drop functionality and prebuilt functions and integrations, ICMS puts more problem-solving capabilities into the hands of non-IT business units.

As easy as a sheet

Unlike other solutions that require coding, even for small changes, ICMS is easy to use and maintain, and allows users to make changes and adaptations to their incentive-based compensation programs as easily as managing a calculation sheet and without the need to engage IT or external consultants. 

Here is what this means for you:

  1. Flexibility: ICMS can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. The application can be configured to support any type of calculation, allowing you to quickly and easily adapt to changes (industry regulations, market dynamics, or changes in your business), and stay ahead of the competition.
  2. Faster Installation and Deployment: According to Statista, organizations using no-code solutions like ICMS can build their solutions 56% faster than those relying on traditional development technologies. ICMS can be easily installed and deployed without the need for IT or external resources. This not only makes the process faster, but it also saves you money on consulting fees and ensures that the solution is up and running quickly.
  3. Cost-Effective: ICMS's no-code solution not only makes managing complex calculations easy, but it's also incredibly cost-effective. As per the Quandary Consulting Group, companies that use low-code solutions like ICMS can avoid hiring additional developers, saving up to $4.4 million in three years. This means that businesses can invest more of their budget in other areas while getting the same level of performance and functionality.
  4. User-Friendly: ICMS is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who are not technically savvy. The interface is easy to navigate and understand and the solution is highly intuitive, making it easy to manage any incentive-based compensation programs and make changes as needed.
  5. Optimize efforts: ICMS's fully customizable What-If Analysis allows users to measure their impact on their overall performance and determine where to focus their efforts. This means that businesses can create compensation plans that work for them, and adapt them to their ever-changing needs. Additionally, ICMS is client and industry-agnostic, and all calculations are fully end-user definable.
  6. Scalability: With ICMS's no-code solution, you can quickly build and customize the applications you need using prebuilt sets of code or integrations, similar to building blocks. This approach allows for rapid development and customization of solutions to meet the changing demands of your business, without the need for extensive coding expertise. As your business grows, ICMS is designed to scale and meet your evolving needs, ensuring your incentive-based compensation programs continue to operate seamlessly.
  7. Easy to integrate: According to Gartner, integration capabilities are a key factor to consider when evaluating no-code platforms. ICMS seamlessly integrates with your current data analytics and reporting tools, which makes it easy to get the insights you need to make informed decisions. This means that you can continue to use the tools you're familiar with, while still getting the benefits of a more powerful and efficient no-code incentive and compensation management solution.

Stay ahead

In today's competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With ICMS's no-code solution, businesses can easily manage their incentive-based compensation programs without the need for complex coding, expensive IT resources, or external help. The flexibility, scalability, and user-friendly nature of ICMS's platform make it a stand-out option in the market, allowing businesses to make faster, data-driven decisions and improve overall performance

So, if you work in Sales, Finance, HR or Administrative roles, and you're looking for a solution that offers fast and efficient calculations, full configurability, customization and security, look no further. You’ll definitely love ICMS.

The Big Benefits of No-Code Solutions

In today's constantly changing, faster-than-ever-paced digital world, low-code/no-code platforms can be the answer to accelerate enterprise modernization, agility, and efficiency. What is low-code, you ask? ZDNET’s Daphne Leprince-Ringett explains it as “cutting, as much as possible, the hands-on knowledge that is necessary to build software (…) Instead of writing every single line of code for a given application, users of a low-code or no-code platform can build their project with point-and-click interfaces.”

Although digital technologies are rapidly transforming the business landscape, some companies are struggling to keep up with the changes. They face difficulties in scaling their work, integrating it with their existing information systems, and coordinating their activities across the entire enterprise. This often results in a disjointed collection of isolated applications and digital experiments with limited business value and no clear return on investment.

Low-code/no-code platforms can help bridge this gap and provide a way to rapidly develop, deploy, and integrate digital solutions without requiring extensive technical expertise. This helps businesses become more agile and efficient — enabling them to stay competitive and better serve their customers.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What Is It With Low-Code And No-Code Solutions?

According to this KPMG report, “100% of enterprises who have implemented a low-code development platform have received ROI.” Here are a few reasons why… 

  1. By using a no-code platform, companies can create customized incentive compensation plans for their employees quickly and easily, without the need to engage IT, develop specialized technical skills, or bring in outside consultants. 
  2. A no-code solution allows companies to manage data in their complex incentive compensation plans more efficiently and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall effectiveness of the program.
  3. No-code incentive compensation management systems offer real-time analytics and reporting, which can help businesses monitor the effectiveness of their incentive compensation plans and make data-driven decisions. This leads to more effective and efficient use of resources and increased profits.
  4. No-code solutions can help organizations remain agile and responsive to changing business needs, allowing them to quickly adapt their incentive compensation plans to reflect changing market conditions, customer demands, and business priorities.

All this helps businesses stay competitive and better serve their teams and customers, ultimately leading to increased profits and success.

What This Means For Your Organization

Some of the benefits of no-code solutions:

  • Increased agility and faster time-to-market: by allowing business units to change and deploy different versions of their applications faster, companies can quickly respond to market demands and changing business needs, which leads to increased competitiveness and higher profitability.
  • Lower costs: as no-code solutions require fewer resources and less technical expertise than traditional development methods, they are significantly more cost effective. 
  • Improved productivity: by empowering business users to build and customize applications, no-code solutions help free up IT resources to focus on more strategic initiatives, leading to greater organizational productivity and efficiency.
  • Greater flexibility: because no-code solutions can be quickly adapted and updated as business and market needs evolve, they allow companies to remain agile and responsive in a fast-paced environment.
  • More innovation: all these factors help empower business users to experiment with new ideas and solutions, leading to more innovative and creative solutions to business and market challenges that result in a greater competitive advantage.

In today's competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential.

No-code solutions can help companies become more agile, cost-effective, and innovative. By empowering non-technical business users to build and customize applications, organizations can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs, leading to sustained growth and profitability.

Discover how Informa’s ICMS's no-code solution helps businesses manage their incentive-based compensation programs without the need for complex coding, expensive IT resources, or external help.

New ImageQuest DocSecure (IQDS)

Informa announces the general availability of DocSecure for ImageQuest (IQ), a new, optional, add-in module to encrypt and maintain files and documents at rest using industry leading encryption methods.

ICMS: Simplifying Incentive-based Compensation Management

Incentives are natural motivators. Remember when your parents promised you to buy a bike if you got good grades in school? That is a simple example of a performance-based incentive. It gave you a nudge to keep performing at your best. Bottom line: People respond to incentives. This is why most companies adopt something known as incentive compensation. It is the process of compensating employees financially for their exceptional performance.

Here, we’ll take a closer look at what incentive compensation means, see some common challenges that organizations face while managing incentive-based compensation, and review how Informa's Incentive Compensation Management System (ICMS) can help you combat these challenges.

What is Incentive Compensation?

Incentive compensation is a type of pay given to an employee as a reward for achieving specific goals or targets, such as increasing sales or improving productivity. Incentive compensation is often used as a motivator by the leadership to encourage their teams to perform better. Without an incentive, the employee might be less inclined to exceed expectations. There are several ways in which incentive compensation can be structured, including straight commissions, bonuses, prizes, “spiffs,” awards, and recognition.

Common Challenges in Managing Incentive-Based Compensation

Managing compensation is a complex and time-consuming task for administrators and sales managers. Either you’re carrying out the entire process manually or dealing with erroneous results resulting in a lack of trust. This means business enablement issues, audit and risk management, lack of detailed reporting, and too much time manually carrying out complex calculations. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

With ICMS, you can easily manage your complex high-volume calculations, such as incentive-based compensation, pricing models, or sales commissions. You’ll save valuable time spent in carrying out complex incentive calculations and get to create unlimited What-if analyses to measure the impact of different scenarios on overall performance and focus efforts accordingly.

Now that you have a fair idea of what incentive compensation management means and its importance in an organization, let’s go through the different challenges in managing incentive-based compensation and how Informa's ICMS helps solve them.

1. Lack of Flexibility

Traditional solutions lack flexibility. Many competitors require coding and technical expertise even for small changes, which can be time-consuming and require additional resources. 

ICMS is a user-friendly solution that makes managing and adapting your incentive and compensation programs easy. It is a no-code, low-maintenance solution that can be easily managed, similar to managing a calculation sheet, making it ideal for Excel users. It is customizable and can be tailored to your specific needs, and it is industry and client agnostic, making it more flexible, adaptable, and user-friendly than its competitors. Furthermore, ICMS seamlessly integrates with almost any software you might have already — such as data analytics and CRM — for added flexibility and integration.

2. Lack of Efficiency

Most applications take several hours to process reports, making it difficult to rerun calculations and make adjustments in a timely manner. 

ICMS allows you to run calculations in minutes and make adjustments as needed without wasting valuable time waiting for reports to be processed. In addition, ICMS is highly adaptable; it can be configured and adjusted without the need for IT support or external consulting support. This adaptability helps ensure that incentive plans remain adequate and relevant.

3. Audit and Risk Management

One of the biggest challenges in managing incentive compensation is ensuring that the system is auditable and that the calculations are accurate and reliable. 

ICMS provides a full audit trail for accurate and reliable calculations, ensuring compliance and minimizing errors and fraud. It allows organizations to easily track and review calculations, identify errors and provide the necessary confidence, helping organizations to demonstrate compliance and ensure accurate, reliable, and trustworthy calculations.

4. Lack of Visibility

Most organizations need visibility into how different scenarios and changes will impact overall performance, making it difficult to determine where to focus efforts and adjust the incentive plan.

ICMS provides a fully customizable What-If Analysis to allow users to measure the impact of different scenarios on overall performance and determine where to focus their efforts. This feature will enable managers to make projections for individuals and teams, ensuring proper compensation, preventing frustration, and retaining top talent. 

5. Lack of Security

Ensuring the security of sensitive data and the visibility of the generated results is vital for organizations to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. 

ICMS addresses security challenges in incentive compensation by providing advanced security features, such as controlling the visibility of results at the user level and encrypting sensitive data within Azure. This ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the results of the calculations and protects sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches, helping organizations minimize the risk of breaches and unauthorized access.

ICMS: Incentive-based Compensation Management Made Simple

In conclusion, managing incentive-based compensation can be a real headache for organizations. But with ICMS, it doesn't have to be. ICMS is a powerful and user-friendly solution that makes it easy to manage complex high-volume calculations like incentive-based compensation, pricing models, and sales commissions. With ICMS, you'll have access to many features that make your life easier. You'll be able to run What-If Analysis, make changes quickly with no-code functionality, and integrate with other software you already use. Plus, ICMS is built on Microsoft Azure technology and designed to be client and industry-agnostic so that it will work for you regardless of your industry or client base. So, if you're tired of dealing with the headaches of managing incentive compensation, give ICMS a try. You'll be glad you did!

5 steps to create a Paperless In-house Legal Department

How to Create a Paperless In-house Legal Department

Creating a paperless in-house legal department improves efficiency and makes legal operations pretty convenient. Imagine a situation in which your client is waiting for a special legal document. He kept on waiting while you were rifling through bundles of papers. In contrast, digital contracts are readily available anytime and anywhere.

So, going paperless improves your management system and makes it more accessible. The paperless internal legal department automates the contractual processes and current workflows to accelerate the company's productivity.

in-house legal department

You might be thinking about how you can create a paperless internal department. Let's get into this.

Steps to create a Paperless Internal Legal Department

You want to digitalize your in-house legal department, right? You just need to follow the straightforward steps discussed in the following section. Businesses save 55-78% in administrative costs by collecting signatures via electronic documents instead of paper-based ones. So, going paperless can potentially save you a lot.

Effective Planning for going Paperless

This may seem obvious, but the single most important step toward transitioning your paper-based administration into a paperless internal legal department is effective strategic planning. You need to map out your objectives and understand your ongoing legal workflows to have an insight into where you need improvement. Then, you can evaluate the time, resources, and associated costs.
Thus, adequate planning and strategic partners who understand your business will definitely assist in making your in-house legal department paperless.

Choose Roadmap to Digitalize your Documents

After doing proper planning, you need to figure out which documents need to be digitalized. If you want to automate all your legal documents, you need to opt for a strategy to do that. For this purpose, you need to divide your legal databases into multiple milestones, workflows, and sections to execute the process effectively.

Therefore, you need to do a little homework to understand your current process and automate the documents accordingly. 80% of the errors are reduced by going paperless.

Select In-house Legal Department Management Software

The most significant step in digitalizing your internal law department is to select the right tools and technologies for going paperless. Your selected software should be capable of optimizing your in-house legal department management system.

Moreover, you can categorize your workflows through these management tools. You can implement these automation applications at different stages of the legal process to digitalize the whole legal department. These processes can include preparing the contract terms, automatically collecting new policies, and distributing them to concerned departments and individuals.

Get the right Paperless Equipment

To make your internal legal department automated, you need to invest in the right equipment to simplify the process. For this purpose, you need to have a scanner to scan all your documents. It helps you to make copies of your legal documents. Next, you will also need a paper shredder to destroy the paper. The legal documents integrate confidential details, so the shredder helps to keep the information private.

Additionally, you also need to keep your automated data safe and secure. For this, you can exploit extra computer monitoring tools to keep the info intact.

Businesses get 70% to 80% efficiency improvements after switching from manual processes to adopting digital tools like e-signature solutions.

Finanaces Online

Maintain Security of the Internal Legal Department

Additionally, your automated in-house legal department contains all your client's confidential information. This info includes personal data and private legal documentation. The cloud contains all these necessary documents and info about the shareholders. Therefore, you must have an effective management system to keep the data safe and secure.

Benefits of switching to a Paperless Internal Legal Department

Advancements in business technology play a significant role in achieving a company's targets more efficiently. Paper legal processes are the too slow and conventional way of managing departments. So, paperless solutions improve the speed of task execution and make them faster. Various management tools are used in the internal legal department to make the entire process automated. It reduces the costs of paper, pen, and printing, making it a cost-effective process.


In short, a paperless in-house legal department is an accessible setup to share legal information easily. Instead of a manual process, the electronic setup offers cost-effective solutions. You can store, manage and share files more easily and quickly in digital form. It can be challenging to automate these manual and traditional legal processes. Don't fret. Informa Software has everything to facilitate the automation process, and we can work with you every step of the way.

Our main goal is to enhance productivity through the efficient digitalization of your business, and we offer innovative solutions to optimize complex workflows and accelerate business success. So, what are you waiting for? Let's talk!

How to Get Buy In from Stakeholders | 5 Easy Steps

Stakeholders are the entities directly or indirectly linked to an organization. They can be anyone from the employees working in the office to the suppliers and company shareholders that get affected by the success or failure of a specific organizational project. 

So, if you have a new project or idea, you can only make it work when all key stakeholders agree to participate. That's why, before starting a project, it’s crucial to get buy-in from your stakeholders. You might be wondering how to actually get them to buy-in and make your idea an ultimate success! Before diving into this, let’s talk about the basics.

What are Stakeholder Buy-Ins?

It may surprise you, but stakeholder buy-in is not just related to financial transactions. Instead, stakeholder buy-in refers to the acceptance or approval of any certain idea given by anyone working within or with the organization. This idea can be anything from a new product design, to the launch of an innovative service, or the introduction of new technology solutions into your business workflows.

When stakeholders agree to give buy-ins, they commit to completing that particular concept or project by bringing more value. However, getting buy-in from stakeholders is a challenging process, and you will need to follow certain steps. Let's discuss those steps in detail:

Step-by-Step Procedure of How to Get Buy In from Stakeholders

Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can get buy-in from stakeholders securely and effectively. So, let's dive in!

Identify and Enlist Your Stakeholders

The first and most important step is to identify all organizational stakeholders and focus primarily on those affected by your project, solution, or design. You can easily do so by evaluating the scope of your project and outlining how its progress and outcome will impact all parties involved.

How to get buy in from stakeholder

Doing this is very important, as the more you engage with people, the greater the chances are that your project will succeed. Some of the most critical stakeholders you need to involve to get buy-in are the company's executives, employees, managers, organizational unions, suppliers, bankers, and customers. 

Find Out the Needs of Your Stakeholders

After finding out the potential stakeholders, the next step to get stakeholder buy-in is to identify their needs and understand the expectations they have on the project. This will help you map out the project efficiently and design it in a way that can cater to their needs and bring value to the organization.

For instance, the finance director will be managing the budget and looking at how much money this project can save the business. In contrast, the CTO will want to ensure the new software works properly and does not require the engagement of additional IT resources. You should always look out for their needs, and for this purpose, you must learn to effectively communicate with them. 

Engage with Your Stakeholders

Around 78% of companies failed to transform their way of doing business, and that's because of poor engagement with employees and other concerned entities. 

Harvard Business Review

According to a Gallup survey, almost two-thirds of US-based based employees aren’t fully engaged! That is why the third and most important step in how to get buy-in from stakeholders is to actively and honestly engage with them.

You can start this by intentionally engaging the stakeholders in conversations about their needs and concerns, the different ways your project can bring a positive change to the organization, and how it can benefit their work. Once they understand the benefits and take ownership of the project, they are more likely to accept it and pave the way for its ultimate success! 

Interact with the Executive Management team

Projects often fail because there's a communication gap between teams and senior management executives, and teams fail to get executives on board on time. Most of the time, the executive team will have little time for operational projects, so it’s important to engage with them early in the process to make sure they can take the time to evaluate the benefits of seconding your project. 

So, instead of waiting for them to approach you, make sure you regularly connect with them to understand their needs and expectations, and to make sure your project goals and objectives are aligned with those of the business. 

Track Project Progress

The last step in how to get buy-in from stakeholders is to keep track of your project's overall progress. As you do so, you should continue to engage and get feedback from stakeholders throughout the process, actually considering and incorporating others’ opinions and ideas. This will not only help you create a sense of ownership among different stakeholders but will also help you better shape your project and generate greater results.


The procedure for how to get buy in from stakeholders isn't difficult if you know all the steps with a focus on timely execution. Just ensure you have active engagement and good communication with all the stakeholders, and you are all set to go! 

As to what tools you should use, we at InformaSoftware have a wide variety of assets that allow you to do the end-to-end digitalization of your business and optimize complex workflow. We also help improve your business results, which are key to making your project successful! So, contact us now to get your hands on the most innovative business solutions! 

6 Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Best Practices

Streamlining contracts efficiently is critical for any business because it reduces the risk of penalties, liabilities, and additional errors. A recent DocuSign survey revealed that businesses enjoyed an 80 percent reduction in contract drafting time and a 50 percent decrease in overall contract completion time after implementing Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions. That is why we’ve decided to map out a few contract lifecycle management best practices for our clients!

These practices can save your organization from losing thousands of dollars by eradicating compliance issues and mitigating human errors. Furthermore, businesses must keep up to date with the latest technologies in order to stay one step ahead of their competitors. Choosing contract lifecycle management best practices will undoubtedly help your organization achieve efficiency, productivity, and, ultimately, long-term success.

What is Contract Lifecycle Management?

Before we step into the contract lifecycle management best practices discussion, we must get a heads-up on what it really is.

In simple words, Contract Lifecycle Management or CLM is the automated management of an organization’s contracts. From drafting and reviewing to approval and execution of contracts, everything is a part of contract lifecycle management.

CLM also allows businesses to keep digital records of their contracts and never lose vital data. In short, contract lifecycle management streamlines and secures all the critical data related to contracts.

Contracts always keep businesses juggling through the complexities of negotiations, documentation, and never-ending modifications. Between this chaos, there’s a high probability of erroneous payments and unintentionally missing out on contractual obligations.

So, CLM best practices will assist your business in the following ways;

  • Dealing with contracts proactively and efficiently
  • Eradicating all the associated risks
  • Reducing the probability of inaccuracies and non-compliance
  • Contract lifecycle management workflow will decrease the risk of erroneous payments by 75 to 90 percent

According to DocuSign, after implementing a CLM solution, the average business sees a 50% reduction in contract completion time.

CLM Best Practices

Despite the unparalleled benefits of contract lifecycle management best practices, 55 to 70 percent of businesses around the globe are still not practicing them. The most obvious reason is the lack of awareness of pursuing such methods.

Well, if your organization has recognized the importance of implementing best contract management practices, then you just need to stick with us until this article's end. We’ll make it effortless for your business to progress toward technological advancements.

Design Automated Templates

Companies waste a lot of time arranging contracts' paperwork to finalize the agreements. Wasting time halts their productivity and causes extended delays in closing deals. In addition, manual processes can cause human errors.

1,170 out of 1,300 contracting professionals reported nine out of 10 firms are burdened by manual agreement processes, and human error is the major burden to their business’ contracting process. Generally, human errors cause 37 percent delays in closed deals while increasing the costs involved by 34 percent.


However, your organization can easily overcome such issues if you have automated contract templates beforehand. You might be wondering how to design such templates that can comply with the variations in different contracts.

Well, the right way to design a template that ensures full-fledged compliance is by:

  • Analyzing all possible scenarios and previous contract patterns.
  • Aligning the analysis with your company’s policies.
  • Providing flexibility by incorporating editable clauses.

So, well-designed automated templates will not only save you time but will reduce your operating and processing costs by 10 to 30 percent. At Informa, for example, we helped one of our clients reduce document maintenance by adding dynamic merge tags that reduced 300 unique documents to 30 customizable templates

Incorporate Cloud-based Solutions

One of the contract management best practices that’ll assist your business in arranging real-time collaborations with your clients is by incorporating cloud-based solutions.

contract lifecycle management workflow

The key benefits of this contract management practice include the following;

  • Easy accessibility for every stakeholder from everywhere at anytime
  • Protection from losing track of crucial ongoing negotiations
  • Quick coverage of all the potential modifications
  • Smooth incorporation of client’s reviews, approval, and modification requests

So, making contracts available online will surge the efficiency, security, and accuracy of your contract lifecycle management workflow.

Introduce Automated Notifications

You have designed template libraries and uploaded them on the cloud, but the risk of missing out on legal obligations remains. You can overcome such risks by introducing automated notifications regarding contract expiration and renewal dates.

Automated alerts will allow your team to stay one step ahead of their obligations, responsibilities, and critical deadlines. Reduction of risk potentials and mitigation of financial risks can be easily carried out via automated notifications. Indeed, it is one of the best CLM practices for which every organization shall opt.

Arrange the Contracts based on the Value

70 to 80 percent of business deals and transactions are done via contracts. However, all the contracts do not hold the same worth. Some of them are low-value, while some are high-value.

Low-value contracts can be efficiently dealt with by the HR department and don’t require the involvement of a lawyer.

On the other hand, a business can’t proceed with high-value contracts without the supervision of a lawyer.

Businesses spend a substantial sum of money because lawyers supervise their low-value contracts while they can be efficiently executed by the HR or sales representatives. So, by segregating low-value contracts from high-value ones, a business can save a decent amount spent on lawyers for unnecessary low—value contracts.

No Compromise on Security

Your business shall carry out some critical security measures, especially if you have incorporated a cloud-based interface. No doubt that the cloud makes it easy to access everything in a matter of seconds from anywhere in the world. However, it adds up associated risks if not managed appropriately.

Your company can protect its clients' sensitive data by incorporating feature-based permissions and multi-factor authentication. This way, your organization can guarantee secure access to the contracts and make sure that no compromise on security is made.

Transparency of Processes

As explained earlier, contracts require collaborative efforts; and collaboration demands transparency. In general, usually, two departments work in handling the contract lifecycle:

  • Legal Department
  • Concerned Department(s)

There might be external stakeholders to be part of this process. During the contract development phase, multiple issues may arise. Let’s take an example where the legal and finance departments are working on drafting a contract.

clm best practices

Among these two, legal is more concerned about the accuracy of execution to ensure compliance with legal requirements. In contrast, the finance department is usually more titled on quick result generation. So, conflict may arise.

Contract lifecycle management best practices to prevent the occurrence of such conflicts include;

  • The whole process should be thoroughly structured beforehand
  • Clarify what or what’s not part of the contract

On top of that, avoiding dependence upon individuals is ideal to ensure a seamless flow. Their absence shouldn’t significantly impact the overall progress of work. All these practices can combine to inject transparency into the system while eradicating the chances of potential conflicts.


To conclude, we can say that by opting for the contract lifecycle management best practices, your business can pave the road toward guaranteed success.

You’ll be intrigued to know that some incredible software and tools are available which allow the automation of contracts by incorporating the latest technologies. At Informa Software, we partner with DocuSign to make your contract management journey effortless.

Just get in touch with us to streamline your processes and pace up your digital transformation with innovative solutions.

ImageQuest 15.7

This new ImageQuest 15.7 release focuses on changes made to the IQ DocuSign Connector to accommodate the new OAuth 2.0 requirement from DocuSign that goes into effect on October 4, 2022.

Informa and DocuSign Expand Partnership

As a Platinum Tier partner of DocuSign, Informa continues to enrich partner relationships through innovative digital document and contract transformation solutions that guide companies into the next generation of automation and productivity. Additionally, Informa Software has become the first company to build a solution on top of DocuSign CLM as well as the first to integrate DocuSign CLM and eSignature into a unified cloud solution.

Informa Software and Consumer Lending Project Update

On May 6th, 2020, Informa Software went live with a Secure Document Upload solution that was developed for Consumer Lending Company Financial Services. This solution allows branch Customer Service Representatives to request supporting documents from their loan applicants electronically and provides a portal through which the applicants can upload copies of those documents either from their computer or through their mobile phones. 

This is another piece of an overall solution that Informa has developed for Consumer Lending Company in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which includes remote borrower signing capabilities enhancing their existing eDocs solution to facilitate an entirely remote, digital loan application and approval solution. This is another milestone in building a framework which will support completely remote digital cloud solutions for multiple industry verticals. We continue to support Consumer Lending Company's ability to provide an exceptional customer experience through additional initiatives such as the incorporation of a successful API gateway management initiative and look forward to our continued partnership with Consumer Lending Company.

Caltrans, 97% Of Transactions Are Fully Automated With The Help Of Informa

Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation, has fully adopted Informa’s patented ImageQuest technology for document archival and added solutions for data capture. Utility bill processing has historically been difficult due to varieties in formatting and utility classification (water, electric, waste). Prior to Caltrans seeing a 97% fully automated processing rate, unnecessary resources were expended on collecting and organizing customer information. Utilizing Informa’s digital transformation solutions, Caltrans can conduct business more efficiently and process bills at an unprecedented rate.

Informa Software Recognized by CFO Tech Outlook

Informa Software has been recognized by CFO Tech Outlook as a “Top 10 Accounting Solutions Provider for 2021”. This recognition comes after Informa’s recent efforts to continue bolstering the company’s ImageQuest software and customer support. Informa is focusing on digital transformation and remote work capabilities for business of all sizes in 2021. In a growingly digital and remote work world, appropriate solutions that fit those efficiency changes are needed. Informa is an experienced and successful entity who is there to help your business this year.  

Informa Partners with Consumer Lending Company

On Wednesday, May 6th, Informa Software went live with a Secure Document Upload solution that was developed for Consumer Lending Company Financial Services. This solution allows branch Customer Service Representatives to request supporting documents from their loan applicants electronically and provides a portal through which the applicants can upload copies of those documents either from their computer or through their mobile phones. This is another piece of an overall solution that Informa has developed for Consumer Lending Company in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which includes remote borrower signing capabilities enhancing their existing eDocs solution to facilitate an entirely remote, digital loan application and approval solution.  This is another milestone in building a framework which will support completely remote digital cloud solutions for multiple industry verticals.

Informa Expands Partnership with OpenText

Informa Software announced an expanded partnership with OpenText to help customers improve document redaction and security. Informa is now a licensed reseller of Blazon and Brava OpenText products. In today’s business environment, there is an increased focus on privacy and security. Organizations need to balance expanding data security regulations with the requirement to share specific information both internally and externally. Meeting these two goals requires an automated method to reliably and accurately remove sensitive information from paper and electronic content.

Blazon automates the batch conversion process to effortlessly create PDF, TIFF or secure Content Sealed Format (CSF) versions of content in practically any format. Brava is an application that makes it easy to view and collaborate on virtually any file. It eliminates the need to install the native application on every user’s desktop and allows users to safely interact with documents and drawings without altering the original file. These products allow Informa to offer superior redaction capabilities.

OpenText Redact-It effortlessly removes sensitive content and personally identifiable information from documents as a part of your business processes. You can use Redact-It for desktop use, bulk redaction or integrate it as part of your workflow.

About Informa

Informa Software enables organizations to maximize business effectiveness and efficiency through tailored digital solutions. For more information about Informa visit informasoftware.com.

About OpenText

OpenText, The Information Company™, enables organizations to gain insight through market leading information management solutions, on premises or in the cloud. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) visit opentext.com.

COVID-19 Update

Like you, all of us at Informa Software are deeply concerned about the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the well-being of our clients, our employees and other associates. We continue to monitor this situation closely and wanted to make sure that you knew we’re committed to being here for you when our customers and colleagues need us most.

Informa remains fully operational and ready to help. We’ve implemented company practices to mitigate threats to our employee's health. All support requests are being handled remotely by our technicians and no disruption is expected in the services that we provide to your business. We are committed to providing the same timely, personal support regardless of whether that support is being provided from within our building or from a home office. The same holds true for our sales staff as well as development and solutions delivery teams. Projects, meetings, planning sessions, and analysis will continue as scheduled and we are always available to help with your new requests.

We can be reached at our main phone line – (407) 647-8765 or  (866) 392-3380 or sales@informasoftware.com.   Informa Support can continue to be reached at (407) 215-1291 or (877) 475-7778  or support@informasoftware.com.

We join with you in the hope that normalcy will return sooner rather than later. In the meantime, please be prudent and safe!

Michael T James

Informa Partners with Dräger

Informa Software Drager Success Story

Informa Partners With Dometic

Informa has implemented an accounts payable automation solution for Dometic as the company continues phase 1 of their global modernization initiativeThe AP automation solution utilizes Informa's proprietary advanced capture which allows real time validation with Dynamics 365 hosted in Microsoft's Azure Cloud. Dometic is best known for their intellectual property and long history for acquiring the rights to manufacture and produce the refrigerator. In 2015, Dometic became a public company with its shares trading on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Since partnering with Informa, Dometic has embarked on a journey to implement efficient and effective automation solutions to reduce cost and improve business processes.

Informa Software Partners with Tribute, Inc. to Offer Signature Capture

Simplify your business and power up your counter sales with Informa’s eSignature module for counter sales.

Informa Software and Tribute, Inc. have partnered to offer TrulinX software customers a cost-effective signature capture feature for their counter sale operations. Informa Software is a provider of business productivity solutions including content management, document imaging, data capture and business process automation. Informa's eSignature module for TrulinX counter sales allows customers to capture signatures utilizing Topaz signature pads at the counter during the check-out process.

There are many benefits to utilizing eSignature:


eOriginal’s Digital Transaction Management Solution for Westgate Resorts Utilizes Equiant as e-Document Custodian

Through a collaboration with eOriginal, the experts in digital transactions, Equiant, a Scottsdale, Ariz.-based receivables servicing provider, has been selected to provide document custody services for Westgate Resorts, an Orlando-based timeshare resort developer and operator with 28 resorts in seven states. The custodial agreement completes the seamless Digital Transaction Management (DTM) solution Westgate has implemented in partnership with eOriginal Inc., DocuSign Inc., and Informa Software. The all-digital Westgate Resorts Timeshare System enables Westgate Resorts to digitally integrate all business process—from sales presentations to customer contract execution—while providing a legally-binding, securely vaulted management solution with a robust audit trail for the signed contracts and loans. “Equiant had a strong willingness to work closely with all parties involved to implement this new process,” said John Willman, Westgate’s treasurer and vice president of Mortgage Services. “Equiant understood the efficiencies that could be gained for Westgate and the ease with which electronic documents could be reviewed during the file check-in process.” (more…)

Microsoft and Intel Feature Informa’s eDocs in New Promotional Video

Informa’s eDocs for paperless processing at Westgate Resorts was featured in a Microsoft/Intel video that premiered at HiTec 2015, the world’s largest hospitality technology show. The innovative paperless solution features Microsoft tablets to increase sales floor efficiency and provide a greatly enhanced customer experience.

Palm Beach County School Board Gives OpenText Capture Center High Marks

Florida School District Automates Invoice Processing with Document Capture Solution

WATERLOO, Ontario, June 24, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTC), a global leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), today announced Palm Beach County School Board has implemented OpenText Capture Center to automate its invoicing process to reduce costs and improve productivity. With OpenText Capture Center, the board has transformed its Accounts Payable (AP) department for the digital world.

Palm Beach County is one of the top-performing school districts in Florida and is committed to providing a world-class education to its students. With recent economic challenges and significant budget reductions, the school board needed solutions to maximize efficiencies and savings. Manually processing an estimated 175,000 invoices annually for the school district, the board's AP departments faced a labor-intensive, paper-driven process. Additionally, government mandates on record maintenance resulted in high storage costs for paper invoices and additional manual processes. The board needed a solution to automate these manual processes and reduce costs, while integrating with its current systems. (more…)

eOriginal and Informa Software Join Forces to Provide Interface-Enabled Digital Transaction Management Solutions

eOriginal and Informa Software kicked off their partnership earlier this year with a multi-partner project with DocuSign, Inc. to deliver an end-to-end digital transaction management solution for Westgate Resorts.

Baltimore, MD (PRWEB) March 25, 2015

eOriginal, Inc., the digital transaction experts, announced today that they have developed a technological partnership with Informa Software to support the integration of eAsset® Management Services with Informa Software’s eDocs application for use within business processes across industries. The collaboration of these two intelligent technologies will help businesses deliver, process, and securely manage high volumes of valuable, electronically-signed assets.
