Creating and Assigning New Attributes


Once a document type is created, it will need to be assigned “Attributes” (index fields).  Click “Add New Attribute” as highlighted below.



The screenshot below shows the “Add New Attribute” window and the options for attribute configuration.  See the table below for a description of each section.





Attribute Name


The name of the attribute

Data Type

The type of input associated with the attribute




A brief explanation of a data type with specific examples



  Minimum (length or value)


  Maximum (length or value)






  Include in filename


  Input Mask




Minimum number of characters or minimum value allowed


Maximum number of characters or maximum value allowed


A pre-fill value for indexing


Attribute value must be populated when indexing


Includes the attribute value as part of the file name when using the “Save Local Copy” and “Email Document”  features of IQdesktop


Provides restricted data input

Test Area


Allows testing of data input for a data type



There are six data types that can be assigned to attributes.  The attribute data type selected will control the type of information entered into a field of that type.  Reference each attribute data type and description in the table below before you assign the data type to each new attribute you create.  Once a new attribute is saved, the data type for it cannot be changed.


Attribute Data Type



Any keyboard character may be entered such as letters, numbers, punctuation, alpha-numeric account numbers and/or any numbers that begin with leading zeros (i.e. 003-RBC0908; 123-456-7890; (407) 555-1212; 007).



Stores fractional values for currency amounts or percentages.  Numeric values can have up to 29 total digits with at most 8 digits to the right of the decimal place (i.e. 3.50; 3.14159).



Creates a drop-down list of choices that you define (i.e. a list of customers, a list of cities, a list of companies, etc.).  Users may add “List-based” attribute items on the fly if they have the “AllowAdd List Item permission.

Note:  A list-based attribute is preferred whenever possible in order to minimize indexing errors.


Requires whole numbers with no punctuation, no decimal, and with no leading zeroes.  Integer values have an absolute maximum of 2147483647 and an absolute minimum of -2147483648 (i.e. 1138; 2112).


Date & Time

Stores dates and can default to the current date.  Date & Time attributes have a maximum of 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM and an absolute minimum of 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM (i.e. 1/1/1970; 6/10/2008).



Attributes can be true, false or non-existent (null), typically displayed in the form of a three state checkbox, either checked, unchecked or grayed out for true, false or non-existent respectively.   



In the example below, an attribute called “Patients Name” is assigned to the document type, “Invoice”. This attribute is categorized as a “Text” data type; its description is displayed to the right for review.  Jane Doe is tested for accuracy in the test area field; the test results show that this data input Passed for this Data type.  Click “OK” to save and assign the new attribute to the selected Document Type and add the new attribute in the “Attributes” tab.  See below.  Once an attribute is added, it can then be assigned to other Document Types as needed.


Note: “Text” fields are the most flexible data types.  Even if the value of the attribute is a number such as a Social Security number, the “Text” data type may be the best choice because it allows dashes, leading zeros and specific lengths.




Note:  The “Add New Attribute” button in the “Attributes” tab only creates the attribute and does NOT assign it to any particular document type.